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We at Kit Carson Nursing and Rehabilitation Center we are a 24 hour skilled nursing center, our goal is to provide the necessary medical and rehabilitative care to get you back on your feet and back home. One of the first steps ia an individualized plan of care developed by our team of professionals, which involves the family in setting both long and short term goals. This team-like approach has proven very effective in the recovery process. Our Rapid recovery Unit, located in a separate area of the center, is designed to provide short term, comprehensive inpatient care and treatment for those who have acute illness or injury, and who have a prognosis for discharge to home or a lower level of care. Whether your physician prescribes rehabilitation, IV therapy or good old-fashion bed rest following surgery, we strive to provide attentive and courteous service in a comfortable atmosphere. We invite you to come by for a tour and let us answer any questions you have about our services.
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